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加快公共文化服务发展,提升公共文化服务供给水平,是推动社会主义文化繁荣兴盛、建设社会主义文化强国的必然要求,是丰富人民群众精神文化生活、提高全民族思想道德和科学文化素质的重要载体,对于增强文化自信、建构文化认同、提升中国文化软权力具有重大意义。本文在分析我国公共文化服务供给的理论基础、发展成效及主要矛盾的基础上,重点从公共文化服务供给的主要模式、政策制定和评价体系三大核心问题着手进行研究,主要包括以下六个方面主要内容: 一是中国公共文化服务供给的理论基础研究。马克思主义文化理论和供给需求理论对于研究我国公共文化服务供给具有重要的指导意义。本文研究梳理了马恩列关于文化的经典理论及其中国化发展,重点分析了习近平新时代中国特色社会主义文化思想;研究了马克思关于供给与需求关系的基本理论,以及习近平关于供给侧结构性改革的思想。同时,分析了西方现代公共管理理论,为开展我国公共文化服务供给研究提供理论借鉴。 二是中国公共文化服务供给成效与矛盾分析。从经费投入、条件保障、能力水平等方面,总结了我国公共文化服务供给的发展成效。同时,基于党的十九大做出的新时代我国社会主要矛盾的基本判断,对照人民群众在精神文化领域日益增长的美好生活需要,研究分析了我国公共文化服务供给领域的主要矛盾。具体表现为公共文化服务供给不充分与需求强劲发展、供给不平衡与需求均等化、供给质量水平不高与需求层次不断提升、供给相对单一与需求日趋多元等四个方面。 三是中国公共文化服务供给的主要模式研究。梳理提炼了政府计划供给、市场自发供给、计划与市场混合供给以及多元主体供给四种公共文化服务供给模式。同时,结合我国社会主义市场经济体制改革不同时期的现实国情,研究分析了四种不同类型公共文化服务供给模式所发挥的历史作用和主要特点。 四是中国公共文化服务供给的政策制定机制研究。以政策网络分析模型为基础,分析了我国公共文化服务供给政策网络的主要参与主体及其行为特点,研究了中央政府主导式和多元参与式两种典型的公共文化服务供给政策制定路径,研究了议题形成、政策形成和政策实施三个阶段的政策网络互动机制。同时,以博物馆免费开放为案例,研究分析了我国制定博物馆免费开放政策的具体路径,以及三个阶段政策网络参与主体之间的互动特点与互动过程。 五是中国公共文化服务供给的综合评价体系研究。通过广泛调研及征求专家意见,研究构建了我国公共文化服务供给综合评价体系,具体包括公共文化服务经费投入指标、基本条件指标、人力资源指标、产出指标和效益指标5个一级指标,以及相对应的22个二级指标,并对公共文化服务供给综合评价体系的应用方法和路径进行了分析描述。 六是中国公共文化服务供给综合评价实证研究。根据本文研究构建的公共文化服务供给综合评价体系,采用2015年度我国公共文化服务相关数据及各省市常住人口数据,对大陆31个省市公共文化服务供给的综合指标及专项指标评价情况进行了研究分析。其中,上海市、浙江省、北京市、西藏自治区和江苏省综合指标得分排在全国前五位。 关键词:公共文化服务,供给侧改革,供给模式,政策制定,综合评价体系


Speeding up the development and improving the supply of public cultural services is the inevitable requirement to helping socialist culture to flourish and developing a great socialist culture in China. It is an important carrier to enrich people's spiritual and cultural life, to improve the the quality of nation's intellectual and moral, science and culture. It is of tremendous importance for enhancing cultural confidence, constructing cultural identity and promoting the soft power of Chinese culture. Based on the analysis of the theoretical basis, the development effect and the main contradictions of the supply of public cultural services in China, this paper focuses on the three core issues of the main model, policy making and evaluation system of the supply of public cultural services. The main contents of the following six aspects are as follows: 1.The theoretical foundation of the supply of public cultural services in China Marx's theory on culture and theory on supply & demand have important guiding significance for the study of the supply of public cultural services in China. This paper reviews the classical theory about culture and its development in China, especially the cultural Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era of Xi Jinping. This paper studies Marx's basic theory on the relationship between supply and demand, as well as Xi Jinping's Thoughts on supply-side structural reform. Meanwhile, the western modern public management theories are analyzed, which will provide theoretical reference for the research of Chinese public cultural service supply. 2.The development effect and problems analysis of the supply of public cultural services in China This paper sums up the effect of public cultural service supply in China from the aspects of investment, condition guarantee and Supply capacity. Based on the basic judgement of the 19th CPC National Congress on the principal contradiction facing Chinese society in the new era, in contrast with the people’s ever-growing needs for a better life in the spiritual and cultural field, this paper analyzes the main contradictions in the supply of public cultural services currently in China.These contradictions include four aspects: the contradiction between the inadequate supply and the strong demand, the imbalance of supply and the equalization of demand, the poor quality of supply and the the increasing demand, the single supply and the pluralism of demand. 3.The main mode of the supply of public cultural services in China Based on the analysis of the history of the supply of public cultural services in China, this paper summarizes the four modes of supply of public cultural services, namely, the planned supply of government, the spontaneous supply of market, the mixed supply of plans and the market, and the supply of multiple subjects. Then, combined with the realities of China's socialist market economic system reform in different periods, this paper analyzes the historical role of four supply modes, and their main characteristics. 4.The policy making mechanism of the supply of public cultural services in China Based on the policy network analysis model, this paper analyzes the main participants and their behavior characteristics of the public cultural service supply policy network in China, studies the two typical path of public cultural services policy making of Government leading and multiple participatory, and studies the interaction mechanism of policy network in three stages of issue formation, policy formation and policy implementation. Taking museum free opening as a case, this paper also analyzes the path of free opening policy for museums in China, and the interaction characteristics and interaction process between the three stages of policy network participants. 5.The comprehensive evaluation system of the supply of public cultural services in China Through extensive investigation and consultation with experts, this paper establishes a comprehensive evaluation system for the supply of public cultural services in China. The comprehensive evaluation system consists of 5 first-level indexes and 22 two-level indexes. The 5 first-level indexes are public cultural service funds input, basic conditions of public cultural service, human resources of Public Culture Service, public cultural service output and benefit of public cultural service. The application method and path of the comprehensive evaluation system of public cultural service supply are also described in this paper. 6.empirical study on the comprehensive evaluation of public cultural service supply in China According to the comprehensive evaluation system for the supply of public cultural services in China, this paper evaluates the overall index and sub index of the supply of public cultural services in 31 provinces on the mainland by using the data of public cultural services and resident population data all provinces in 2015. The results showed that Shanghai, Zhejiang, Beijing, Tibet autonomous region and Jiangsu province ranked the top 5 in the comprehensive evaluation index. KEY WORDS: Public Cultural Service, Supply-Side Structural Reform, Supply Mode, Policy Making, Comprehensive Evaluation System
