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从“烽火狼烟”到“鸿雁传书”,一提到通信自然而然就联想到邮政这一传统而又特殊的公用服务组织,从邮政发展历程来看,其基本职能是满足人们基本通信需求、保障国家和公民通信安全。邮政几千年来的演变与发展使其传统绿色邮政的形象和职能已深入人心。20世纪90年代以来,随着通信技术的发展,电话、手机、移动互联网的出现与普及,人们的通信方式发生了翻天覆地的变化,电报已经完全退出历史的舞台,“鸿雁传书”的时代也已渐行渐远,被取而代之的是移动通信设备以及各种网络社交软件,书信这种延时通信方式被手机、移动互联网等即时通信工具所继替,而作为信使的乡邮员所传递的人与人之间的那种情怀也逐渐消逝,转而代之的是冰冷的快递、包裹、商业信函等。本文将乡镇邮局作为研究对象,探讨乡镇邮局变迁的作用机制。本文的核心问题是:何种因素通过何种方式主导乡镇邮局的变迁?乡镇邮局在真实的实践过程中发生了怎样的改变?基于此,乡镇邮局如何在多种因素主导下夹缝求存? 基于核心问题,本文展开文献搜集与整理工作。一是梳理了技术与社会变迁的几种不同解释,包括技术决定论、技术的社会建构论和技术的社会互构论。二是对于信息传播方式与人际关系的之间的联系进行了文献梳理。三是分别对组织变迁和制度变迁两个层面对其相关理论进行回顾。本文试图从技术、制度与组织之间的关系出发对乡镇邮局的变迁过程提供理论解释。 其后研究返回到邮政组织的具体实践中去,首先,从宏观层面回顾邮政组织的发展进程,并从中发现邮政组织变革的特点:一是邮政组织每一次变革都是在国家权力机构作用下的强制性转变。二是邮政组织受信息技术、市场机制等外部因素的影响。三是邮政组织自身的社会适应性促使组织内部结构不断调整。其次,从微观层面,具体到乡镇邮局实际的变化当中,分别从通信技术变革、制度变迁和组织自身的行为策略三个方面,运用文献法、访谈法和观察法等研究方法进行深入的个案研究和分析。 其一,从技术变革的角度分析技术作用下的社会选择与乡镇邮局的功能替代。通信技术的变革改变了人际联系方式,即从传统的书信、电报这种延时通信转变为电话、手机、移动互联网等即时通信。通信技术变革改变了人的社会需求。通信工具不再仅用于人们之间的即时通信,在休闲娱乐、金融服务、商务交易、政务医疗、网络教育等方面也正趋于广泛的应用和发展。通信技术的变革会随着社会主体需求的变化而不断改进,同时通信技术的变革也会影响社会主体的需求。社会主体的需求的改变势必对邮政传统通信业务造成极大的冲击。从而,通信技术对乡镇邮局传统通信功能的替代迫使其进行转型。 其二,从制度变迁的角度分析乡镇邮局自上而下的一体化结构在组织制度发生变迁的情况下对乡镇邮局的影响。重点分析在国家政策和市场竞争的双重作用下乡镇邮局的结构裂变。在管理体制上,乡镇邮局与国家的关系由行政附属式关系转变为建立在产权之上的关系。在组织职能和组织性质上,由传统的政企合一或政企不分的行政式企业转变为符合市场经济需要的现代市场企业,从国家公司转变为自主经营公司,乡镇邮局的经营方向是从以普遍服务为主转向以竞争性业务的市场化经营为主。在组织内部治理结构上,乡镇邮局逐步建立起了现代企业制度的内部治理结构。 其三,在技术和制度双重挤压下乡镇邮局的行为策略。一是邮政由原来的单一通信逐渐向多元化方向发展,组织发展方向和经营范围不断拓展;二是由国家行政制下的乡镇邮局向现代公司制下的乡镇邮局转变。在国家体制改革的作用下,其组织身份发生了改变,继而乡镇邮局在组织结构、组织经营模式、组织内部管理和激励机制等方面都发生了相应地改变。 本研究在理论层面分析了组织与技术和制度环境的互动关系。从技术与社会的互构论视角总结了技术与社会在互动选择的发展过程中对邮政组织的功能和角色的替代和更新;从组织制度变迁的视角解释说明了国家控制和市场调节对组织制度变迁过程中的作用和影响;组织的变迁是技术环境和制度环境共同作用的结果,同时指出组织对技术环境和制度环境的适应和控制,组织与环境是一个互动的整体。 关键词:技术;制度;乡镇邮局;组织变迁


From "Smoke signal showing the war" to "Wild goose delivering letters", when it comes to communication, the traditional and special public service organizations, postal service, can be associated naturally. From the development history of postal service, its basic function is to meet people's demand of basic communication and guarantee the communication safety for our country and citizens. The evolution and development of postal service of several thousand years made the image and function of traditional green post deeply rooted in the hearts of people. Since 1990s, with the development of communication technologies and the appearance and popularization of telephone, cell phone and mobile internet, people's communication mode has been dramatically changed. Telegraph has completely withdrawn from the stage of history and the era of "Wild goose delivering letters "has been faded away, instead, mobile communications devices and a variety of network social software came out. Moreover, the delay communication mode, letter, was replaced by cell phone, mobile internet and other instant messenger tools, and the feeling delivered by rural postman, the messenger, between people has also been gradually disappeared, which was replaced by cold express, package, business letter and so on. By taking the township post office as the research subject, this thesis discusses the function mechanism of changes on township post offices. The core problem of this paper is that, what kinds of factors led to the changes of township post offices? And how did township post offices changed in the real practice? Based on this, how should township post offices survive under the guidance by a variety of factors? This thesis carries out literature collection and sorting on the basis of core problem. Firstly, it sorts out several explanations for technical and social change, including technological determinism and the theory of social interaction of technology. Second, it organizes literatures for the relationship between information dissemination mode and human relation. Third, it reviews the related theories from two aspects, i.e., organizational change and institutional change. This thesis tries to provide theoretical explanation for the changing process of township post offices starting from the relationship between technology, institutional and organization. Then, the thesis is returned to the specific practice of postal organization. Firstly, it reviews the development of postal organization from macroscopic level, and finds the characteristics of postal organization change as follows: 1.Each change of postal organization is mandatory under the influence of state authority. 2.Postal organization is affected by information technology, market mechanism and other external factors. 3.The social adaptability of postal organization itself promoted the continuous regulations of its internal structure. Secondly, from microscopic level, to focus the practical change of township post offices specifically, it makes deep individual case research and analysis by using literature, interview, observation and other research methods from three aspects, i.e., communication technology reformation, institutional change and organizational behavior strategies. First, analyze the social selection and functional replacement of township post office under technical function from the perspective of technological change. The transition of communication technologies has changed the way of interpersonal contact, i.e., changed from the delayed communication mode, traditional letter and telegraph, to instant communication such as telephone, cell phone and mobile internet. The transition of communication technologies changed people's social needs. Communication tool is not only used for instance communication between people, but also widely applying and developing in entertainment, financial service, business trade, governmental affairs, health care, network education and other aspects. The transition of communication technologies will be continuously improved with the change of social subject demand. Simultaneously, the transition of communication technologies will also affect the demands of social subject, and the change of social subject demand will inevitably cause a great impact to the traditional communication business of post office. Therefore, the traditional communication of township post offices is forced to be changed with the replacement by communication technology. Second, analyze the overall effect to the township post office, which is influenced by the top-down integrated structure of township post office under the change of organizational institutional from the perspective of institutional change. Emphasize on analysis of structural fission of township post office that under the dual function of national policy and market competition. On management system aspect, the relationship between township post office and the country has changed from administrative subsidiary relationship to the one based on property right. From the view of organizational function and nature, the township post office has changed from the traditional administrative enterprise with the combination of government function and enterprise management, or no distinction between the government and enterprise to modem market enterprise meeting the demand of market economy, and from national company to independent management company. The management direction of township post office has changed from focusing on universal service to market-oriented operation of competitive business. Furthermore, the township post office has gradually established the internal governance structure of modem enterprise institutional on the aspect of internal governance structure of organization. Third, analyze the behavior strategy of township post office under technical and institutional pressures. The one is that, post service has changed from the single communication in previous to multiple development, and the organizational development direction and business scope are continuously expanded as well; The other is, national administrative institutional for township post office has transformed to modem company system. Under functioning of national institutional reformation, the organizational identity was changed as well, followed by the subsequent changes of organizational structure, organizational operation mode, organizational internal management and excitation mechanism of township post office. This thesis analyzes the interactive relationship between organization and the technical and institutional environment. It summarizes the replacement and upgrading of postal organization by technology and society, during the development of interactive selection from the theory of mutual construction between technology and society. The thesis also explains the function and effect of nation controlling and market regulating to the change of organizational system from the view of organizational system change. Organizational change is the result worked by the combined action of technical and institutional environment, the theis also points out there are the adaptability and controlling that the organization embodied both in the technical and institutional environment, and the organization and environment probably should be an interactive entirety. Key words: Technology; Institutions; Township post office; Organizational change
