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社会治理是社会建设的重大任务,是国家治理的重要内容。马克思市民社会理论分析了国家与社会的关系,明确提出“市民社会决定国家”的论断,其所论述的社会组织已非常接近现代意义上的社会组织,马克思理论著作中对社会组织的重要作用也有非常多的直接论述,对其在市民社会中的作用和角色进行了较多的思考,马克思的市民社会理论及其在此基础上形成的社会建设思想对于我国转型期的社会治理创新具有重要方法论意义。 社会组织是社会自然演进的产物,自上个世纪70年代以来,在全球范围内快速发展,并成为一股具有强大吸引力的重要社会力量。在我国,随着市场经济的深入发展,社会组织在政府协同管理、缓解社会矛盾中的重要地位被逐步提上日程,党的十八届三中全会提出“创新社会治理体制”,鼓励和支持社会多方参与社会治理,这是社会治理理念的重大转变,也是党的执政能力提高的重要表现,但是由于我国社会组织发展起步较晚,组织发展的环境、组织自身的成长都呈现出“初级化”¹特征:如体制有待完善,管理体制滞后,结构不健全等,社会组织本身也存在各种失灵现象,对中国社会组织自身的发展和社会治理造成不利影响,党的十八届四中全会中提出“推进社会治理体制创新和法律制度建设,依法完善教育、就业、收入分配、社会保障、医疗卫生、食品安全、扶贫、慈善、社会救助和妇女儿童、老年人、残疾人合法权益保护等方面的法律法规。加强社会组织立法,规范和引导各类社会组织健康发展”,明确提出将社会组织的健康发展予以法律的规范,将社会治理和法治结合,社会治理体制创新步伐加快。 因此如何以马克思市民理论和社会建设思想为指导,更好地发挥社会组织在社会治理体制中的功能并将社会治理工作的重心下移;政府如何大胆放权于社会组织,帮其提高治理基层社会事务的能力,激发其参与社会治理的积极性,从而形成社会组织与政府治理良性互动的共治机制等等,对于我国当下的社会建设意义重大。 本文主要分三部分,绪论、正文和结束语。绪论部分主要介绍了选题的背景和研究对象,对马克思的市民社会理论、社会组织的内涵和类型、基层社会治理的理论和创新、基层社会治理机制予以阐述,提出研究目的和意义,并对研究方法、创新点、研究综述进行梳理。 正文包括六个章节,首先,梳理了作为本文理论指导思想的马克思的市民社会理论,阐述了马克思社会建设的思想。同时也概述了其他相关理论包括黑格尔的市民社会理论、葛兰西和哈贝马斯的有关理论。其次,在分析新中国成立后市民社会建设和发展的背景后,梳理了马克思市民社会理论在中国的嬗变,同时概括了我国社会组织的发展进程和最新现状。再次,对社会组织的分类及其参与基层社会治理的必要性进行阐述,提出社会组织参与基层社会治理是马克思主义理论的应有之义,是社会组织自我发展的需要,是基层社会治理“自治”回归的需要,是基层社会治理规律回归的需要,是增强党的执政能力的需要。进而,根据马克思市民社会理论中有关社会组织的论述,分析了社会组织在参与基层社会治理中的功能。主要从工具性、结构性和表达性功能角度阐述,如工具性功能中的基层社会管理功能、社会服务功能;结构性功能中的基层社会协同功能和基层社会平衡功能;表达性功能中的基层社会话语权功能、基层社会舆论导向功能及基层社会舆情监控功能。然后,通过调研、走访和实证分析,阐述了我国社会组织参与基层治理的实践、特点和问题。其中实践方面主要围绕社会组织参与基层社会治理体制模式、参与基层社会治理的成效和制约因素展开;特点主要包括社会组织的形式多样、拥有的资源相对丰富、治理方式相对灵活、政府的积极支持等;同时分析了我国社会组织在社会治理过程中存在的问题,如社会组织参与基层社会治理的理念落后、参与基层社会治理机制不健全、参与基层社会治理的能力和公信力有待提高、社会组织参与基层社会治理的保障监督体制缺位等。最后,本文运用马克思市民社会理论和社会建设思想,提出社会组织在基层社会治理中的创新路径,主要从宏观和微观角度展开。在宏观角度上,要创新社会治理理念、创建良好的社会组织参与基层社会治理的生态环境。微观上要建立社会组织参与基层社会治理的运行统筹机制,理顺政府与社会组织的关系;完善社会组织内部治理管理机制、提高其参与基层社会治理的综合能力;建立社会组织参与基层社会治理的保障监督机制、增强其参与治理的公信力等。 在结束语部分作者对我国社会组织在基层社会治理的创新做了相应展望。 全文坚持以马克思市民社会理论及其建设思想为视角,始终贯穿马克思主义唯物论和辩证法这一红线,同时借鉴西方有关治理理论,运用马克思主义中国化的最新成果,以马克思主义的立场、观点分析问题、解决问题。 崔月琴,袁泉,王嘉渊.社会组织治理结构的转型——基于草根组织卡理斯玛现象的反思[J].学习与探索,2014 (7):24-31。


Social governance is a major task of social construction and an important part of national governance. Marx civil society theory analyzes the relationship between state and society, clearly stated, ”civil society decisions state" thesis, in which the social organization that discussed is very similar to society organizations in the modern sense, there are lot of direct discussion about the role of social organizations in Marx's theoretical work,whice also has many consideration about the social function and role of the social orgnanizations, Marx's theory of Civil Society Theory and thought on the basis of the formation of social governance has an important methodological significance on our construction in the process of Social Transformation. Social Organization is the natural evolution of the social product; it is developing fast on a global scale since the 70s of last century and become an important social force with a strong attraction. In our country, with the development of market economy, the important position social of organization in coordination management of government and alleviate social contradictions, which was gradually put on the agenda, the 3rd Plenary Session of 18th CPC Central Committee put forward that ”innovating social governance system” ,to encourage and support community participatory social governance, which is a major shift in the concept of social governance and an important manifestation of the improve of party's ability to govern. However, due to the late start of the development of social organization of our country, the developing environment and the organization's own growth emerged as the “primary” features such as the systems need to be improved; the social organization itself has a variety of failure phenomena, which leave a adverse effects to China's own development in social organization, the 4th Plenary Session of 18th CPC Central Committee bring forward that to promote the legal system to facilitate social management innovation system construction, according to the law to improve the education, employment, income distribution, social security, health care, food security, poverty alleviation, charitable, social assistance, and women and children, the elderly , protecting the legitimate rights of persons with disabilities and other aspects of the laws and regulations, strengthen the social organization of legislative, regulatory and guide the healthy development of various social organizations ”, the healthy development of the social organization will be of legal norms, make the combination of social governance and the rule of law. The pace of innovation of social governance system is compact. Therefore, how to make the Marx's theory of the public as a guide, make the social organizations play better in the function of social governance and to bold government decentralization in social organization, to help improve its ability to govern grassroots social affairs and stimulate their active participation in social governance, thereby forming a positive interaction with the social organization of governance mechanisms for cohabitation, etc. is very significant in our social construction. This paper includes three parts, introduction, body and conclusion. The introduction describes the background and research topics, Marx's theory of civil society , theoretical and innovative content and the type of social organization foundation of social governance, grassroots social governance mechanisms, the purpose and significance of proposed research, and research methods, innovation, research Summary sort. The main text consists of six chapters: firstly, this paper reviews the theory of social theory as the guiding ideology of Marx and expounded Marx society, as well as an overview of other relevant theories, such as the social theories of Hegel citizens; the relative theory of Gramsci and Habermas. Secondly, after analyzing the background of the construction and development of civil society after the founding of new China, the paper reviews the evolution of Marx's theory of civil society in China, and summarizes the development process and current situation of social organizations in china. Thirdly, elaborating the necessity of innovative grassroots in social organization of community governance system, proposing participation in governance by grassroots social organizations is the self-development needs to social organizations, is the needs to return of grassroots social governance “autonomy” ,is the return of rule of grassroots social governance, is the needs to enhance the party's ability. Again, according to Marx's theory of civil society in the discussion of social organization, this article analyze the function of social organization in Innovative Local Governance regime, mainly from the perspective of function and expression, such as the instrumental function of the grass-roots social management, social services, grassroots social collaboration capabilities; the expression function of social grass-roots include right to speak, Social media guidance of grassroots public opinion ,grassroots community monitoring public opinion from the media and grassroots social grooming function of media.Then, through research, visits and empirical analysis, it describes the practice of social organization, characteristics and problems involved in grassroots governance. Which mainly focus on participating practices in Local Governance institutional model, participating grass-roots social management effectiveness and constraints? Features include a variety of forms of social organization, the relative abundance of resources; governance is relatively flexible and support from government is support active. Analyzing the problems of social organization participating in social governance systems, such as the concept of participating grass-roots social management system is behind, the grass-roots participation in social governance mechanism is not perfect, participation in grassroots social governance are not enthusiastic, position of grass-roots social management participation is not clear, the lack of credibility of social organization by grassroots in social governance, the absence of social governance evaluation in social organization. Finally, this paper proposes innovative path in the grass-roots community governance using Marxist theory and ideological social construction of civil society, the text mainly from the macro and micro perspectives unfold to presents the path of social organizations in participation grassroots social governance. At the macro point of view, we should innovate the concept of management and optimizing social governance environment, from the micro aspect we should establish co-ordination mechanisms involved in the Social Organization of Local Governance, rationalize the relationship between the government and social organizations, improve the internal governance of social organization management, and raise their participation in Local Governance in comprehensive capacity, establishing of social organization safeguards mechanisms involved in grass-roots community governance, to enhance their credibility of participation in governance. And at last the paper gives the outlook of innovation in grassroots social governance in China. In the Perspective of Marx's theory of civil society and its building thoughts in the full text, this paper uses Marxist stand, viewpoint in analyzing and solving problems runs in main line of Marxist materialism and dialectics, at the same time learns from Western theories of governance and Marxism latest achievements in China.
